About JsTools
My name is Nicolas Schmidt [GitHub: @nsc-de], im a Student / Developer from Darmstadt Germany. Im coding ~10 years and I've created a few js open-source packages and tools on different GH/NPM accounts.
This repository is a storage for tools that are to small for it's own repository. They are often created alongside other projects. It is a lot of effort to prepare everything in a repo to have a good publish toolchain every time, so i decided to create this monorepo for all my small js utilities. Its automated using a powerful combination of turborepo and changeset, so it is not a huge effort to support the growing amount of packages in the long term and keep them updated with bugfixes, patches, dependency fixes and new versions of node/javascript.
All packages in this repository are very small, unit tested using jest and meet security requirements. Any request can be issued via the github issure tracker. Please address any security related requests directly to contact@nscde.com.
We use the folloing tools
- jest for testing
- npm for dependency management
Development / Building
Compilation Flow
- typescript as main development language
- babel for compiling the code
Manual Flow
The compilation flow creates some overhead code. For huge Libraries this is no big deal. 96KB vs 97KB is no big difference. But for very small libraries, this does matter a lot. 1KB and 2KB is a big difference. So some of our the smaller libraries are written in plain js with manually written types.
Additionally we use the following tools for managing the project
- TurboRepo to manage the monorepo
- Changesets to manage our package versioning
- GitHub to manage our repository
- GitHub Actions to automate our repository
- GitHub Pages to host our website
- Docusaurus to build our documentation website
- TypeDoc to build documentation from typescript docstrings