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Rster Builder

Rster Builder is a tool that allows you to create a new Rster project in a much more convenient way. Instead of thinking about routing we will build the api like a normal class (or nested object structure) and Rster Builder will take care of the rest.


To install Rster Builder you need to run the following command:

Installing the package

Using npm

npm install @rster/builder

Using yarn

yarn add @rster/builder

Importing the package in your project

To import the package in your project you need to add the following line at the top of your file:

import { api, module, method } from "@rster/builder";


Rster builder has 3 main functions to create your api:

  • api - Creates a new api, this is the main wrapper for your api and normally you will only have one per project. An api can contain multiple modules and methods.

    The api function takes 4 arguments:

    • name - The name of the api, this will be used to generate the api class name.
    • description - The description of the api, this will be used to generate the api class description.
    • modules - An array of modules that will be added to the api.
    • methods - An array of methods that will be added to the api.
  • module - Creates a new module, this is a wrapper for a group of methods that normally would be related to each other. For example if we have a user module we could have methods like createUser, getUser, updateUser, etc. A module can contain multiple methods and (sub)modules.

    The module function takes 4-6 arguments:

    • name - The name of the module, this will be used to generate the module class name.
    • description - The description of the module, this will be used to generate the module class description.
    • modules - An array of modules that will be added to the module.
    • methods - An array of methods that will be added to the module.
    • httpPath - The http path of the module, this will be used to generate the module http path. (Defaults to /{name})
    • httpMethod - The http method of the module, this will be used to generate the module http method. (Defaults to ANY)
  • method - Creates a new method. A method contains functionality, for example we could have a createUser method that creates a new user in the database.

    The method function takes 3-6 arguments:

    • name - The name of the method, this will be used to generate the method class name.
    • description - The description of the method, this will be used to generate the method class description.
    • declaration - The declaration of the methods parameters and return type.
    • httpPath - The http path of the method, this will be used to generate the method http path. (Defaults to /{name})
    • httpMethod - The http method of the method, this will be used to generate the method http method. (Defaults to ANY)
    • action - The action of the method, this is the actual functionality of the method. (Defaults to a method that throws an error saying that the method is not implemented)

Creating a new api

Lets just start with a simple example. We will create a new api that has a user module with a createUser and listUsers method.

const users: {
name: string;
age: number;
}[] = [];

const API = api(
["a simple demo api"],
users: module(
["module to handle users"],
create: method(
["create a user"],
expectBody: {
name: { required: true, type: string() },
age: { required: true, type: number() },
returns: undefinedType(),
({ age, name }) => {
users.push({ age, name });

list: method(
["list users"],
returns: array(
name: { type: string(), required: true },
age: { type: number(), required: true },
() => users

We can now convert this to a basic api by calling the rest function on the api.

const rster =;